On 24th August we opened our doors to welcome in some of the lovely people who have helped us so far. It was a great chance to meet them face to face and show them what we look like. Here we are all polished up and smiley, the Well Suited directors and me, plus Ann and Kelly of You Sall go to the Ball (our prom collaboration).

We also made some great new friends that we hope might be interested to know more and maybe work with us in the future.
Helen and Harry from Intro PR and Social Media were on hand to greet and photograph our guests and we have already had some great press coverage.
A wonderful effort on our best tie knot competition and the winner here was Jenna Whistlecraft of Carer Support Carlisle and Eden (giving some tips to Kyla Benson from Inspira).

We collected clothing donations (thank you to Women in Property Cumbria especially Jayne for co ordinating and carrying everything upstairs) and we gave out more orange collection hampers and generally had a smashing evening.
I think once people come and see what Well Suited looks like it turns us from a poster or an Instagram page into something worth supporting. You can do that in lots of ways, with clothing donations, client referrals and by talking about us. Thank you absolutely everyone for helping us make it a successful event. When's the next one? Watch this space.